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" It's just one straw, it's just one disposable cup, it's just one plastic bag."
– 7.4 Billion People
The Issues
The region’s semi-arid climate, frequent droughts are a regular occurrence and with Climate Change a part of our every day reality. Moreover, the region supports millions of people, many farms and numerous ranches – all requiring water to sustain life and commerce. We have to do our part and get smarter about our precious resources.
We are trying to cut down on single use plastic and encourage you to do the same.
Consider bringing your own vessel for drinking, personal utensils for eating and reusable bags for yourself. Find our Share-A-Bag Bin located in front of our INFO Booth at the intersection of Pacific and Grand View. Please pay it forward and donate any extra bags you have lying around at home. This ensures a plentiful supply of reused bags for all who need them. Thank you!
Visit our Green Tent each week for new exhibitions on sustainability.
Would you like to see the whole film?
"Water Woes - We Plan for Your Eating" (22 minutes). Https:// Password: waterwoes